Apple offers nearly 2 million apps on the App Store, which means competition is fierce. If you want people to download your app over others, there’s some serious work you need to put in.

App Store optimisation doesn’t happen easily or quickly but requires concerted effort over time. Let’s look at some of the things you can do to build your app’s SEO scores and get it showing up in the top 10 lists consistently.

Build a Great App

There’s no point in doing all the leg work to optimise your app’s SEO rankings, if your app is terribly built, has a bad UI interface, and doesn’t entice users. So it all begins with building an app using an interface like

Categories like Games and Business do particularly well on the App Store. So think about building an app in that category. But an app can potentially succeed in any category as long it’s built with the user in mind.

Request App Reviews and Ratings

You have probably experienced this yourself – the app will prompt you repeatedly to rate it on the App Store. There’s a very good reason for this – it’s not just to annoy you.

The more positive reviews and ratings an app has on the App Store, the higher its SEO rankings.

This will also boost your app downloads, which will increase the user value associated with your app and boost your rankings. This in turn will increase downloads further.

Engage Your Audience

This is a given, but if users seem to like your app and spend oodles of time engaging with it, then it’s likely Apple and the App Store will look upon your app favourably.

Give your audience incentives to visit your app every day by giving them freebies or rewards, and entice them to stay longer by having interesting content that they care about.

In-App Store Optimisation

A vast majority of app downloads are directly attributed to the App Store, which means that In-App Store optimisation will be key for you to drive traffic and downloads. Having a solid SEO strategy for your app is essential. Boost your rankings by:

  • Using keywords in the app name, URL, and subtitle
  • Use relevant keywords in the App keyword field
  • Replying and engaging with user reviews

Don’t focus entirely on your website SEO optimisation, but also on App Store optimisation.

App Store Optimisation – Build Prominence in App Store Organic Rankings

There’s only so much money you can spend on advertising before you run out of budget. That’s why focusing on organic rankings in the App Store is so crucial to your app’s success.

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