Looking to add another channel to your marketing mix? Want to level up your current LinkedIn activity? Or simply want to get the most out of your existing campaigns? In this article, we share the keys to LinkedIn ads success that experts have shared with us. With these 5 tips under your belt, there’ll never be a dry month. So, without further ado, let’s jump into them. 

1. Know your audience 

The number 1 most important tool to LinkedIn success is truly knowing and understanding your audience. This means having a solid grasp of who they are, what they need, what their problems are and how you can help them. It’s only when you have these 4 areas locked and loaded that you can gear your campaign towards A+ results. When choosing an offer, an objective, writing your copy, designing your banners, your audience should always be front of mind. 

2. Know your goal 

After you have your head around your audience and what they need, you need to find clarity as to what your own campaign objectives are. Are you wanting to boost brand awareness? Do you want to generate high quality leads in your target audience? Are you wanted to remarket to existing contacts and convert them into bottom-funnel leads? Before you start on anything, you need to have a clear understanding of your goal, what the metrics to measure it are and build your campaign around this objective. Without a goal, it’s difficult to succeed or even know if you have.

3. Align your offer to funnel stage

After you’ve selected your goal, you need to reflect on where your campaign fits in the marketing funnel and assign a funnel stage. Are you looking at a top, mid or bottom funnel campaign? Or somewhere between 2 stages? Once you’ve decided on where your campaign fits, you can choose an appropriate offer to align with this. This alignment between offer and funnel stage is a crucial step in ads success. Looking at a bottom funnel campaign with conversions as your goal? You might want to consider choosing a free trial or demo as your offer. 

4. Create compelling ads 

The fourth tip to have in your arsenal is to ensure you don’t fall at the final hurdle – is to create captivating ads that align with your offer, funnel stage, audience and goal. Consistency here is key. You could have the perfect set up but if your ads aren’t appealling your audience are unlikely to click, engage and take your desired action. This is why compelling copy and design are crucial. Bonus tip – don’t be afraid to experiment with different ad formats like carousel ads, dynamic ads and video.  


5. Continually Tweak and optimise

Once your campaign is live, the hard work doesn’t end. In order to see Linkedin success, you need to consistently review your campaign data, analyse it and talk to your sales team. Based on this feedback, you need to tweak and optimise your set up accordingly. For example, you see one ad variant is doing better than another, get your copywriter to craft up a new variant using the best one as a guide. It’s very difficult to achieve consistently strong results through this platform without continued refinement.

There you go! 5 steps to LinkedIn success. Go forth and thrive with these expert pointers at your fingertips.

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